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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bump Watch

We're officially into the last quarter, hitting 30 weeks this weekend! I'm still feeling pretty good, just a bit more tired and a lot more chubby. Jody's been awesome at helping me out as I lose steam and find it harder and harder to get up from sitting or laying position!

I haven't posted belly pictures through this, mostly because I just never really felt that whole glowy pregnant thing. But, we have been taking the pictures, and people have been asking. So, here goes: bump shots of the last two months. 23 weeks (top) vs. 30 weeks (bottom):


pH said...

I love the socks paired with the bump. Perfect. So exciting!!!!

Susan said...

You look great!! Will you guys be back in Michigan at all next week? Geoff and I will be there on Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning....maybe we can meet up?

Anonymous said...

You look adorable! February will be here before you know it!-Katie