Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Holiday Fun

Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Pooch
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Happy Chanukah

Friday, December 19, 2008
Is This Nesting?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Little Self-Promotion
This year was a slower year for me than last year, partially by my own choice and partially because the economy sucks. So, this year the majority of my work came from several business-to-business magazines and all of the work I do as the Managing Editor of Nurses Lounge magazine. But, I'll try to just post some human interest stuff and some niche articles that may interest some of you.
For now, here is an article that is in the December issue of Today's Chicago Woman. Click on this link to get to the story:
This was a really tough piece to write because it is such a tragic story about a young woman facing ovarian cancer. But, when I met Kelly at a Starbucks in the Gold Coast for the interview, I was struck first of all by how much she looked like Reese Witherspoon and how young she was. Then she just totally blew me away with her positive attitude and outlook on all of this. In the end, I was really happy to get to tell Kelly's story and spread the word for her.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bump Watch
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ron Santo for the Hall of Fame
This week, Ron Santo was denied entrance to the Hall of Fame (HOF) by the Veteran’s committee. The former Cubs third baseman led the balloting by the Veterans Committee but still fell nine shy of gaining the necessary 75 percent of the votes by the 64 living Hall of Famers. Santo received 39 votes, or 61 percent. No one on the ballot came close to getting in, the fourth straight time the Veterans Committee has failed to elect a member.
Santo makes perfect sense to me here in the Tribune: "Everybody felt this was my year," he said. "I felt it. I thought it was gonna happen, and when it didn't … what really upset me was nobody got in again. It just doesn't make sense. It'll be eight years now that they've voted and not let anybody in. And personally, I feel like there's a lot of guys that should've been in, not just me."
I agree with Santo, what is the point of the Veteran's Committee, if they never act?
Rick Morissey of the Tribune take is a good one. He wrote: "It's the question we Santo-ites have asked ourselves for years, and it's the question we were asking Monday when he again was denied entry into the Hall of Fame. This is not about our eyesight.
We see a player who was a great player during the 1960s and into the '70s. Santo hit .277 with 342 home runs, knocked in 1,331 runs, was a nine-time All-Star and won five Gold Gloves.
No, our eyes are fine. This is about the eyes of the 64 members of the Hall of Fame Veterans Committee. Santo received 60.9 percent of the ballots cast. He needed at least 75 percent.
Is there an optometrist in the house?
And no, this isn't a matter of having our heads in the sand behind third base either. We've asked for the facts to be given to us straight. We've looked them in the face. This isn't a sentimental journey. Think what you want about Santo as a Cubs broadcaster, but separate it from his playing career. During one of the best eras for pitching in baseball history, he distinguished himself against the likes of Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale, Juan Marichal, Bob Gibson and Tom Seaver."
So it's simple to me. On a list of deserving candidates for the HOF, Santo is alone at the very top of the list. I realize the HOF is supposed to be exclusive, but, at what price? Santo has earned the HOF on his career numbers alone, without a boost from his broadcast contributions.
I agree with Santo whole heartedly: "It wasn't going to change my life," Santo said. "I'm OK. But I know I've earned it."
So here’s to the crusade that will culminate in 2 years. Ron Santo - HoF 2010, Ron Santo HoF 2010, Ron Santo - HoF 2010.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Graham Update
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Ann Arbor Thanksgiving
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's A Boy
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Spa Girls

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Four-Legged Pretzel
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Double Digits, Baby!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Liberty & Justice For All

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mr. & Mrs. Keckley
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It Feels Good

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Barack the Vote

Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Here Comes the Bride
Monday, October 27, 2008
Executive Experience
Whenever John McCain is asked to defend Sarah Palin's lack of experience and the public's general perception that she is not ready to be vice president or president for that matter, he always talks about her "executive experience." In fact, I just saw an interview with him where he said: "Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Joe Biden or Barak Obama." This is where I get confused.
Yes, I know McCain's been around forever. He has served the country as a war hero and as U.S. Senator. I realize that he's been around way longer than Obama. But, hey, where's is McCain's "executive experience"?
When McCain says Palin has more experience than Biden or Obama, I'm hearing: "Sarah Palin has more executive experience than John McCain." So, are we to assume that he would seek executive advice from Palin? Um, scary....and doubtful.
You see, McCain and Biden have a pretty similar political resumes. Actually Biden has been in the Senate 14 years longer than McCain. And it's not like McCain had any notable executive experience prior to going to Congress. Now, I know McCain is not running against Biden, but to say that Palin is more experienced than Biden just makes McCain look bad to me. I mean, a lot of things about him and his whole sleazy campaign make him look bad to me right now, but this is something that's really been bugging me.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Even though everyone around me seems to be complaining about the major temperature drop going on, I'm loving it. This weekend just totally felt like fall: my favorite season. I love fall because I look forward to busting out the warmer clothes, I love the leaves on the ground, Charlie is way more fun to walk, and I am obsessed with boots. But one of the big reasons I love fall is because it kicks off pumpkin spice latte and hot chocolate season.
So this weekend, I tried hot chocolate with a twist: the Hazelnut Hot Chocolate from Starbucks. Mmm. So good. When I ordered it yesterday the barrista asked me if I had ever had one before, and when I said no he told me that I might want to take a seat before trying it because it was going to "knock me off my feet." I figured he was just another quirky barrista at our friendly West Loop Starbucks, so I went on my way. No, I did not take a spill on the sidewalk, but I gotta admit I was struck by it's awesomeness. It was pretty rich and I'm sure loaded with too many calories, but it was totally worth it. Seriously, how could anyone not like fall?
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Through Four-Legged Eyes

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Deli Bust
Since I am pretty busy juggling a bunch of deadlines right now, I just took a long lunch off with Jody to celebrate Columbus Day. We headed to a new place in River North: Steve's Deli. Jody had been really excited to try this place since he first heard about it. There is another Steve's Deli in Detroit, and this is their first Chicagoland restaurant.
We didn't know that yesterday was Steve's Deli's opening day. As regular restaurant goers, we don't typically go to new places in the first couple months since they usually have a lot of kinks to work out before hitting their stride. But, we figured how could they really mess up a deli? The answer: they can mess it up plenty.
Seriously, Steve's Deli was a disaster. It was jam-packed with people waiting in both the takeout and eat-in areas, and the managers, servers and hostesses were all totally clueless. We waited for about 30 minutes for a table (no big deal) and then waited another 30 minutes for a waiter to even come by our table (bigger deal). That's after we asked two managers if they could send a waiter over.
Looking around the restaurant, we realized that only one table had food in the whole place. Everyone else was just sitting there with empty water glasses looking irritated, constantly glancing over their shoulders for their waiter or their food. Once food did start coming out, almost every table seemed to be getting the wrong food, cold food that was supposed to be hot, regular soda when it was supposed to be diet, and so on. Two ladies sitting by us finally told the waiter that they couldn't wait any longer and they were leaving (they had been there almost two hours waiting for just two simple sandwiches!). And you know what? The waiter just let them leave empty-handed. No gift certificate. No cupcakes. Not even a freakin' bagel.
We actually fared better than most patrons...mostly because we actually got our food. Of course, our order was wrong. I ordered a half sandwich and got a whole one (no biggie) and Jody ordered a hot, lean overstuffed pastrami sandwich and got a cold, fatty, chewy, super-skimpy pastrami sandwich instead. Everyone knows how much Jody treasures his food, so this was all bad. But we figured if we sent anything back we would never see our food again. So Jody powered through the nastywich.
I highly doubt we'll be back at Steve's anytime soon. Even if they do get their act together, the pastrami was still way subpar and that typically puts a black mark on any deli in our world.
Even though it was a pretty annoying experience, it was kind of entertaining just to see an entire restaurant of disgruntled customers. I've never seen that in any Chicago restaurant before, even brand new ones.
No worries, though, the entire lunch outing was not a bust. When we ran into CVS afterward, I heard Jody a couple aisles over proclaim: "Oh my Lord!" And when I went over there he was happily holding up a 3-pound bag of gummy fruit slices that were marked at 75% off. Sweet. He was so happy that it was almost like the pastrami incident never happened. Almost.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Schirels 5.0

Friday, October 10, 2008
Halfway Home
We had our 20-week doctor's appointment and ultrasound last week. Everything looks good at this point. Aside from the cranky ultrasound tech who actually said we had a "bad baby" because he/she wouldn't move into the position she wanted it to move, the ultrasound was fun. Very cool to see the Baby again...it had been too long since 12 weeks. The tech said that Baby was moving around like crazy, but just not the way she wanted him/her to. So, she started jiggling me, pushing and just being general rough to try to move the Baby. Needless to say, Jody was none too happy about this. It was actually pretty cute to see how worried and pissed he was getting. The jiggling didn't do much, so the tech made me walk up and down the hallway of the doctor's office for like 20 minutes. Again, Jody was annoyed and kept trying to block my way to make me stopping walking. But, you know, I follow rules so I kept walking. When we got back into the room, the Baby had moved into the right spot and we were good to go.
I also started feeling the Baby move this week. Very cool. For some reason, when we were at Yom Kippur services on Wednesday night, especially during the rabbi's sermon, the Baby was going nuts in there. Maybe the Baby, like me, was ready for the rabbi to just wrap it up and stop quoting so many books and articles. Who knows. All I know is feeling actual movement makes it all seem even more real.
We got about 100 ultrasound photos and only a few that look like an actual baby. Here's one of the Baby sucking its thumb...