Hooray, I'm out of the teens! We've past the halfway point of the pregnancy and now we have less than 20 weeks until the Baby! I know there's still a ways to go--and grow--but I really feel like this has been such a long 20 weeks. I'm just hoping the second half goes a little quicker.
We had our 20-week doctor's appointment and ultrasound last week. Everything looks good at this point. Aside from the cranky ultrasound tech who actually said we had a "bad baby" because he/she wouldn't move into the position she wanted it to move, the ultrasound was fun. Very cool to see the Baby again...it had been too long since 12 weeks. The tech said that Baby was moving around like crazy, but just not the way she wanted him/her to. So, she started jiggling me, pushing and just being general rough to try to move the Baby. Needless to say, Jody was none too happy about this. It was actually pretty cute to see how worried and pissed he was getting. The jiggling didn't do much, so the tech made me walk up and down the hallway of the doctor's office for like 20 minutes. Again, Jody was annoyed and kept trying to block my way to make me stopping walking. But, you know, I follow rules so I kept walking. When we got back into the room, the Baby had moved into the right spot and we were good to go.
I also started feeling the Baby move this week. Very cool. For some reason, when we were at Yom Kippur services on Wednesday night, especially during the rabbi's sermon, the Baby was going nuts in there. Maybe the Baby, like me, was ready for the rabbi to just wrap it up and stop quoting so many books and articles. Who knows. All I know is feeling actual movement makes it all seem even more real.
We got about 100 ultrasound photos and only a few that look like an actual baby. Here's one of the Baby sucking its thumb...
We had our 20-week doctor's appointment and ultrasound last week. Everything looks good at this point. Aside from the cranky ultrasound tech who actually said we had a "bad baby" because he/she wouldn't move into the position she wanted it to move, the ultrasound was fun. Very cool to see the Baby again...it had been too long since 12 weeks. The tech said that Baby was moving around like crazy, but just not the way she wanted him/her to. So, she started jiggling me, pushing and just being general rough to try to move the Baby. Needless to say, Jody was none too happy about this. It was actually pretty cute to see how worried and pissed he was getting. The jiggling didn't do much, so the tech made me walk up and down the hallway of the doctor's office for like 20 minutes. Again, Jody was annoyed and kept trying to block my way to make me stopping walking. But, you know, I follow rules so I kept walking. When we got back into the room, the Baby had moved into the right spot and we were good to go.
I also started feeling the Baby move this week. Very cool. For some reason, when we were at Yom Kippur services on Wednesday night, especially during the rabbi's sermon, the Baby was going nuts in there. Maybe the Baby, like me, was ready for the rabbi to just wrap it up and stop quoting so many books and articles. Who knows. All I know is feeling actual movement makes it all seem even more real.
We got about 100 ultrasound photos and only a few that look like an actual baby. Here's one of the Baby sucking its thumb...

DI and JODY!
the baby is sooo cute! OMG i cannot wait to meet him/her. I love you guys tons and am so excited for you! PS the wedding pic on the blog is awesome too- Lisa
very cute. d, you are going to be a mom!!! I don't know why this just struck me now.
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