Yes, I’m still reading “Jane Eyre.” Pathetic, I know. But, I have another excuse. Again, I took some time out to read a different book: “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” by Garth Stein.
I’d definitely recommend this book for any dog lover out there. While you don’t have to be a dog lover to like it, it definitely appeals to dog lovers. The story revolves around a race car driver and his family, as seen through the family dog’s point of view. It’s a really creative way to approach this kind of novel and, honestly, it would not have been as strong of a story without the doggy narrator, Enzo. Enzo’s views of the family's ups and downs and human nature in general are totally endearing and made me step back and look at life from a different perspective. It was an especially fun read for me because it made me see Charlie in new light and really try to figure out what exactly goes on in his mind. In the book, Enzo is a pretty smart pooch who has learned pretty much everything he knows from observing the humans in his life and from TV naturally. Enzo is sure that in his next life he will come back as a man and he can’t wait. However, he notes that not every dog is ready to come back as a man. Apparently, some dogs still have plenty to do in their next lives as a dog. I’m pretty sure Charlie loves being a dog too much and is not quite “ready” to go human.
Anyway, if you do read this book, here’s a quick warning: It is a major tear-jerker. I have been a bit more weepy than normal (seriously, an email forward got me all choked up today), but this book really brought on the waterworks. I started reading it on the plane and I made a fool of myself crying my eyes out on the plane. But that was nothing compared to the serious bawling that went down as I finished the book. Charlie always knows when I am upset, so when I was crying as I read the other night, he came over and put his head on the bed to make sure everything was okay. Of course, that set me off even more.
So if you’re looking for a good cry and an inside look at what dogs may be thinking, check out “The Art of Racing in the Rain.” It’s a quick and easy read…and fully entertaining.
For me, it's back to Jane Eyre. Hoping to finish it by the holidays. We'll see.
Charlie will always coming racing to your side Little D.
so weird...I was just saying the other day that I feed Dayna tablescrapes because I think I'm going to come back as a dog so it is good karma. I know Jody agrees! Bojo's for life!
PH, did you get a BoBerry Biscuit?
Its the healthiest thing on the menu...
I read this book and loved it as well- almost as much as marley and me which is a real tear jerker. They also have a Marley and me childrens book. Heather Watts Glynn
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