This weekend Jody and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary! In some ways it feels like just yesterday that we got married and in other ways it feels like we've been together forever. All I do know is that it's been an awesome five years and I'm looking forward to a lifetime's worth of more. So to, Jody, thank you for being the best husband ever; I love every minute I spend with you!
This past weekend felt a lot like our wedding weekend, actually. Unseasonably gorgeous weather and the Chicago marathon. To celebrate, we went to dinner at Topo Gigio, a yummy Italian place in Old Town that we haven't been to since our early dating days. Then, we headed over to Second City to see "Campaign Supernova."
Dinner was good and the show was pretty good. Not the best Second City production we've ever seen, but decent. We thought they'd have some good stuff with it being a Presidential election year--and plenty of things to make fun of with these candidates. But, they didn't do too much election stuff. In fact, the last skit was a musical number basically about what bad shape our country is in right now. Not too funny. I mean, I don't even think they were trying to make it funny, give or take a few shots at Palin. It was mostly a pretty depresssing way to end the show. Regardless, we hadn't been to Second City in years and we had a really fun time. We ended up actually staying out until almost 2 a.m., which is way late for us. Yup, we're totally old...and also totally fine with that!
remember how cool your photographer was? congrats!
Happy Belated Anniversary! It sounds like you guys had a great night...and out until 2 am is impressive! -Katie
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