Just a quick reminder to everyone to get out there and vote today. Don't let the long lines discourage you. It's worth it.
Jody and I went to our local Salvation Army gymnasium this morning after the before-work crowd and we got in and out in about 10 minutes. There was so much good energy flowing through the gym among all the workers and the voters; it was all pretty cool. After such a long campaign season, so many emotions running through this election, and so much at stake today, it felt awesome to actually get out there and cast our ballots. Plus, I got my free "I voted" Starbucks decaf, and I'm hanging on to my receipt to get my free yoga class at Bloom later this week.
Now I'm preparing for a long night in front of the TV, biting my nails, crossing my fingers, and holding onto hope that our country has learned its lesson from the past 8 excruciating years.
Update: Just saw this clip online and I thought it was a good one to share. As the folks at TPM said, this will get you charged up: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/242707.php
1 comment:
"I'm fired up and ready to go!" Let's hope the rest of the country is too.
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