Every day it seems like Charlie finds some new, wacky way to sleep. I guess it makes sense when you sleep about 18-20 hours a day that you'd want to try out some different positions. But, it's crazy. I swear, our dog is part pretzel.
Maybe I'm just jealous because I'm so sick of sleeping on my side, but I'm totally entertained by Charlie's twisted nap moves. I just don't get how he can be in such a deep sleep when his head is facing one way and his body is going in a completely opposite direction (see above). Or when he is flat on his back playing dead and fast asleep for like an hour and a half. Or when he jams his head into the weirdest places and sleeps among our crazy mess of TV/stereo/DVD wires in the family room. Or when he smooshes himself up against a wall even though he has plenty of room to sprawl out.
I love the charlie squashed to the wall pic!
Jasper does all these crazy sleeping positions too! How funny.....I wonder where they learn it?
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