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Sunday, October 26, 2008


Even though everyone around me seems to be complaining about the major temperature drop going on, I'm loving it. This weekend just totally felt like fall: my favorite season. I love fall because I look forward to busting out the warmer clothes, I love the leaves on the ground, Charlie is way more fun to walk, and I am obsessed with boots. But one of the big reasons I love fall is because it kicks off pumpkin spice latte and hot chocolate season.

So this weekend, I tried hot chocolate with a twist: the Hazelnut Hot Chocolate from Starbucks. Mmm. So good. When I ordered it yesterday the barrista asked me if I had ever had one before, and when I said no he told me that I might want to take a seat before trying it because it was going to "knock me off my feet." I figured he was just another quirky barrista at our friendly West Loop Starbucks, so I went on my way. No, I did not take a spill on the sidewalk, but I gotta admit I was struck by it's awesomeness. It was pretty rich and I'm sure loaded with too many calories, but it was totally worth it. Seriously, how could anyone not like fall?

1 comment:

pH said...

Fall is great. Falling on your rear end because you were knocked off your feet by the fantastic whipped cream is even better.