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Sunday, September 7, 2008


Another fun weekend. On Friday after work we headed down to Louisville for Courtney and Jeremy's engagement party.

It was a great weekend! On Saturday Courtney and I went wedding dress shopping for her, and she ended up getting a totally gorgeous dress. No doubt she's going to be a beautiful bride. Jody spent the day with Jeremy and Jeremy's brother Adam watching college football on Adam's three, yes three, plasmas. It was quite the setup and Jody really enjoyed it. He was disappointed that we had to head home early today before he got a chance to experience Sunday football on three huge TVs all mounted on one wall. Luckily, he's managed just fine watching one game at a time, on our one measley big screen TV.

The engagement party on Saturday was really fun. Courtney and Jeremy's work friends went all out for them. Those liquor company people know how to party. Jody played bags for a good part of the night and I caught up with a bunch of Courtney's Louisville friends, Amy and Ken who came in from Indy and Melanie. It was fun to meet Melanie's newborn, 7-week old Hayley. She was a cutie and slept through the party, giving Melanie a chance to enjoy herself a bit.

Anyway, you know it's a successful evening when you end up with a White Castle Crave Case and chicken rings...although I was the only one in my right mind enough not to indulge in 1 am sliders. A definite pregnancy perk!

Thanks Court and Jeremy for a great weekend. I wish we lived closer to each other!

Say hi to Dayna...Courtney and Jeremy's boxer who has quite the personality.

1 comment:

pH said...

D and J, it was so fun seeing you. Jeremy had cornhole legs the next day...very sore and we all had White Castle unpleasantries...Dayna included...sigh, we'll never learn.