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Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Much Longer Now

Bump watch:36 weeks

10 Signs That We’re Almost There

1. People have pretty much stopped saying, “Aww, you look so cute.” Now I mostly see very wide eyes followed by every 9-months pregnant lady’s favorite thing to hear, “Wow, you’re ready to pop.”

2. It’s easier just to walk forward when making my way to the bathroom in a bar or restaurant rather than turning sideways. And forget about the whole sucking in reflex—that’s just pointless.

3. Total strangers—whether it’s the ladies in the gym locker room or the 16-year-old checkout girl at Jewel—have a theory about whether we’re having a boy or a girl. Even though it’s been pretty split, everyone is very sure of themselves.

4. Jody is constantly checking out people’s strollers everywhere we go. Forget noticing hot girls, he’s only got eyes for sweet strollers.

5. I’ve stopped tying my gym shoes. Sliding them on and off works out much better even if they’re a lot looser.

6. I’ve mastered the ability to pick up things on the floor with my feet.

7. My Blackberry has been dropped so many times that it is now taped together to make sure the little ball thingy stays in place.

8. I look like a baby mamma because it feels better not to wear the wedding ring at this point.

9. I’ve fully embraced the waddle.

10. I’m praying that the zipper on my pre-pregnancy dog-walking parka stays strong for just 4 more weeks. It’s a tight squeeze and doesn’t look too hot, but it's quite necessary.


Anonymous said...

I love this entry! I can't wait to see you (you singular and plural!) live and in person this weekend!

Anonymous said...

You look cute! I am so impressed that you are still going to the gym. You are motivating me to work out! Can't wait to see you this weekend! -Katie

Alison Hunt said...

Your post was hilarious and so true! You look great though and just for the record, I am going to say BOY!

Hi to Jody!

pH said...

Oh D!!! How cool. I am so excited to meet the new little one and in the meantime celebrate this weekend ;)