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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grand Canyon and Chopper Time

One of the things my sister (aka the Pregnancy Guru) told me when I first got pregnant was that pregnant women and the geriatric population are a lot a like. It makes sense. Think about it: they both enjoy water aerobics, modified yoga, a mild diet and a slow shuffle as time goes on. Now, I can add a love of helicopters into the older folks and pregnant ladies similarities.

Last week on the first day in the Grand Canyon, we actually did get a chance to hike. Of course, it was pretty easy hiking. The first day, we hiked a bit around the South Rim with Chris, Karen, Andrew and Melissa. For the four of them, this was just a little warm-up for their big hike into the Canyon the next day.
While we would have loved to get up early (well, maybe not that early) to take on the big Canyon hike with everyone, Jody and I did another flat-ish hike along the South Rim. Even though it was pretty easy, it was still gorgeous and we got a chance to see a lot of wildlife: a ram, a family of long-horned sheep and even a condor. Very cool. If I were an animal, I would definitely want to live in the Grand Canyon. Not only it is a gorgeous setting, but the animals there are so protected and respected that I feel like they have a pretty good life. Here is the picture of the ram:

After that, we headed to the Grand Canyon airport to catch a helicopter tour over the North Rim. We figured if we couldn't hike down into the Canyon, a helicopter tour was the next best thing. And apparently, other "restricted" people had the same idea. When we walked into the helicopter place, it was chock-full of seniors. Of course. These are my people now, so even though I was pretty nervous to get into a helicopter, they put me at ease.

The chopper tour was pretty awesome. We flew into the Canyon and got a close look at it from a very cool vantage point. The best part was seeing the entire span of the Canyon from the air, which gave a true sense of how massive it really is. Here are a few more photos showing the Canyon from overhead:


Anonymous said...

i have to comment- i mean i love the shout out!!!!!! your trip looked amazing...ahhhh i can only the days of fun vacations! xo- Lisa

pH said...

The ram is the coolest! Looks so pretty and you and Jody look like naturals with that headset / walkie talkie