Yesterday we hit a milestone with the baby countdown: we're in the double digits with only 98 more days to go! I'm sure as it gets closer we'll start feeling all the different emotions involved in becoming parents. But, for now we're just excited.
Throughout the pregnancy people have been asking me if I've been having any weird cravings, and mostly I haven't. I've been eating the same way I always have, just a little bit more. But lately, I've been wanting different junk food that I haven't eaten since I was a kid. It's really weird, though, it's like as I grow a child, I am reverting back to foods I ate as a child. I don't really eat much junk food. It's been hard for Jody to live with me since he is the snacky king. So I think he's liking this new bad-for-us-snacky stage of pregnancy. Here are the different kid-foods that I've been craving:
* Kraft Macaroni and Cheese: I was dying for mac-and-cheese, so I made it for dinner a couple weeks ago. And you know what? It was way better as a kid. I was seriously disappointed. It was totally spongy, the powdery cheese grossed me out, and the heartburn that followed pretty much guaranteed that this craving won't be returning any time soon.
* Teddy Grahams: I loved these as a kid and a couple months ago we went to three different stores to find the flavors I liked. At the Halsted Dominick's I found honey; the Roosevelt Dominick's had cinnamon; and Target had chocolate chip. All that store hopping was totally worth it. (Well,it was for me...just don't ask Jody what he thought about all this running around.) They were just as good as I remembered them to be. But, eventually I got sick of them. Now we just have one lone box of stale cinnamon Teddys in our pantry.
* Potato chips: Much to Jody's dismay, I pretty much banned chips years ago, give or take some Hint of Lime Tostidos every now and then. It's not that I don't like them; it's just that I eat too much when we have them. So it's better to have them out of sight. However, the other day when I was at jury duty I decided my afternoon treat would be a trip to the vending machine for potato chips. Since I got called onto an actual jury, I missed my afternoon snack. And since then I have been craving those chips. Jody went out and bought me Cape Cod potato chips and Ruffles the other day and made me so happy. I still don't have much self-control with the chips, but, hey, it's for the baby. Can't deny the little guy/girl, right?
* Chocolate-covered graham crackers: These were one of my all-time favorite things as a kid and I haven't had them since I was probably 12. But I have really been wanting them lately. When Jody was on his chip run the other night, he looked everywhere for Keebler chocolate-covered grahams and they were nowhere to be found. Sad. I don't even know if they exist anymore, but I may have to hit up the big Dominick's on Roosevelt to see if they still exist. In the meantime, if anyone knows where I can get some, do share.
Since the mac-and-cheese and Teddy Graham cravings passed, I'm guessing the chip and cookie ones will too. I just hope Jody doesn't get used to having junk food in the house because I'm going to feel really bad when I have to start banning it all again.
Congrats on only 98 days to go! Starbucks has their own brand of choc. grams, they come in milk and dark choclate covered and are pretty good.
Enjoy the third trimester! everyone told me it would be awful; and you do feel more pregnant than ever but... I really liked it b/c its so exciting to pass all the milestones and you can feel the baby alot more etc... Plus being preggers at this time of year w/ all the holiday activiites helps the days pass quickly!
Snacky cakes are back baby!
Haven't checked in on the blog for a while, but better late than never. The chips craving will be part of the baby's DNA. It goes back to Jody's Nonnie, passed down to me and on to Jody.....
If you ever get a mac and cheese craving again, Stouffer's frozen mac and cheese is far superior to Kraft. Find it in the frozen food section, heat and eat.
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