So my dad was right: Hilary is not going to be the Vice President. Oh well, I should have known...my dad usually knows what he's talking about (especially since he follows politics as closely as I follow celebrity gossip). Luckily, there is another strong woman in the Obama camp that I am warming up to.
With the Olympics over, we tuned into the DNC last for Michelle Obama's speech--and Jody and I both liked her. A lot. She was well-spoken, smart and tough. All things that have been seriously missing for the past eight years in a First Lady. Seriously, Michelle puts Laura Bush and her stepford ways to shame.
I know Michelle has taken some heat for not being patriotic enough and for being too combative, but I didn't see her like that at all. She reminded me of women I know today that work hard, speak their minds and actually know what they're talking about. For me, she's way more relatable than most politicans and politicans' wives in the spotlight today.
I think Michelle did a great job of humanizing herself and her husband and letting people get to know them a little bit better at both a political and personal level. In terms of what she added to their campaign, I'm not really sure. A personal touch, for sure. But other than that, I don't know. I definitely agree with what I read on TPM, they need a stronger message than simply "Change" if they want to keep reaching people. Change was a good message to build momentum, but I feel like Obama needs a more concrete and tougher message at this point to take this to the next level. Hopefully we'll see more of that this week.
nice post- I guess it had more substance that jolie pitt gossip :) I wish I had seen the speech.-- Lisa
Wow squirrel, this is deep stuff. All I did was comment to Jeremy that I liked her hair and she was pretty when I saw her on TV.
You are so wise.
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