Is it winter yet?
This year we're actually looking forward to a Chicago winter for the first time, um, ever. As many of you know, it's because on Feb. 21st, Jody and I are having a baby! Baby Schwartz, Baby Schirel, Baby Mirel Schwartz (hey, it works for the Jolie Pitt babies), or whatever you call him/her, we can't wait!
Being superstitious and having a mild case of hypochandria made the first trimester extra stressful. But, luckily, Jody knows what to do and say when I get my crazy on. My family was also on call for constant reassurance. Thanks to everyone else "in the know" for the first few months for all the support, guidance and overall positivity. We feel so lucky to have such awesome friends and family.
At this point, we aren't going to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. This is more my call than Jody's, but he's not putting up much of a fight to find out. Right now, I just want to be surprised. But you never know...I could cave.
I'm now just about into the 2nd trimester, which I hear is the best one of the three. I've been feeling better and better each week and I'm slowly starting to get some energy back. I had been cutting way back on the gym because I was totally sapped of energy. But now I am getting back into a workout schedule, which has been making me feel much better. My biggest complaint thus far is killer headaches that last for days on end...and wimpy Tylenol just doesn't do too much for me. I miss heavy-duty Advil.
Some things that I have been thankful for thus far are:
* Cheese, which is all I could handle eating for a while.
* The fact that I don't work in an office with actual people and therefore I can wear comfy gaucho pants as I start chubbing up.
* My sister Lisa who is a pregnancy guru.
* And mostly Jody who is going to be such an aweome and fun dad.
Here's the 12-week ultrasound. You can't see any arms and legs in the image, but we saw them on the screen--two arms, two legs and all that good stuff--phew.
This year we're actually looking forward to a Chicago winter for the first time, um, ever. As many of you know, it's because on Feb. 21st, Jody and I are having a baby! Baby Schwartz, Baby Schirel, Baby Mirel Schwartz (hey, it works for the Jolie Pitt babies), or whatever you call him/her, we can't wait!
Being superstitious and having a mild case of hypochandria made the first trimester extra stressful. But, luckily, Jody knows what to do and say when I get my crazy on. My family was also on call for constant reassurance. Thanks to everyone else "in the know" for the first few months for all the support, guidance and overall positivity. We feel so lucky to have such awesome friends and family.
At this point, we aren't going to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. This is more my call than Jody's, but he's not putting up much of a fight to find out. Right now, I just want to be surprised. But you never know...I could cave.
I'm now just about into the 2nd trimester, which I hear is the best one of the three. I've been feeling better and better each week and I'm slowly starting to get some energy back. I had been cutting way back on the gym because I was totally sapped of energy. But now I am getting back into a workout schedule, which has been making me feel much better. My biggest complaint thus far is killer headaches that last for days on end...and wimpy Tylenol just doesn't do too much for me. I miss heavy-duty Advil.
Some things that I have been thankful for thus far are:
* Cheese, which is all I could handle eating for a while.
* The fact that I don't work in an office with actual people and therefore I can wear comfy gaucho pants as I start chubbing up.
* My sister Lisa who is a pregnancy guru.
* And mostly Jody who is going to be such an aweome and fun dad.
Here's the 12-week ultrasound. You can't see any arms and legs in the image, but we saw them on the screen--two arms, two legs and all that good stuff--phew.

I can't believe you are in your 2nd tri-mester already!!!!
So exciting. Do post the ultrasound...I want a peak at the new Schirel!
CONGRATS!!! you guys are going to make awesome parents & will have so much fun. The pregnancy will go by so fast and before you know he/she will be here!!!!
Wow! what a photo! What a profile! I'm sure little baby Schirel is smiling. How could he/she help it with parents like you and Jody. I think this one has to go in the proud grandma wallet, ready to be whipped out to show anyone who asks.
Aww, I can't believe Baby Schwartz has a photo already and is on the internet. Definitely going to be a cool baby! I am so happy for you both and know that you're going to make wonderful parents. I know I would want you guys for long as Jody doesn't drop the kid off at jr. high school on his scooter! -Katie
What a gorgeous grandbaby already! But there was never any doubt in my mind with you two as parents. Baby Schirel looks calm and content right now. Hope she/he stays that way for you, Diana. Jody played soccer and volleyball inside me, did tumbling routines and vaults as well. He was never still for more than an hour or so at a time----and look how fabulous he turned out. With the two of you as parents, Baby Schirel can't miss.
I just keep checking the blog to see this ultrasound picture- it is so cute- I am trying to decide if it has a Mirel nose or not :) I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am- I keep telling Edin too that Di has a baby in her belly and she is ready to talk on the phone with her new cousin!!!!- Lisa
Congrats, this is great news! Love, the Gibsons
SO happy for you guys!! Congratulations!! - Stephanie
So exciting!!!!! The baby is so cute already!
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