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Monday, August 11, 2008

Old Friends and Market Days

We had a nice weekend and it was capped off by a fun and totally entertaining Sunday night.

Our Sundays usually consist of watching whatever's on TV or whatever Netflix DVD we have and ordering in. But, last night was a bit different. My friend Kate was in town from Boston with her fiance Jamie for the White Sox/Red Sox series. She and Jamie were heading to Market Days on North Halsted because one of Jamie's college friends was running the Cock Teas booth there (some sort of lemonade tea libation with a name made for Market Days).

Anyway, Kate and I lived together when I studied abroad in London junior year, and I haven't seen her since our wedding almost five years ago. So it was awesome to see her and meet her hubby-to-be. Although Kate and I only went to school together and knew each other for six months of our lives, we had and still have a really awesome connection that I think you can only have with people you study abroad with. Even if you don't realize it at the time, it's just such a fun, exciting, intense time and the people you're going through it with make such a big impact on you and your overall experience. The bonds are just hard to describe.

So Kate and I were roommates in our flat that we shared with four other people, and from the very beginning we just clicked. So I wasn't too surprised that it totally didn't feel like it had been five years since we last saw each other. No awkwardness or anything. It felt just like old times with her...just a little more tame than our late nights across the pond!

Of course, I can't say the same for our surroundings. Market Days was far from tame. But it was total entertainment, that's for sure. Seriously, Boys Town rocks out on Sunday nights. There were more drag queens and male daisy dukes than I could count and everyone was having a great time. Jody felt like he stuck out in his Cubs Fukudome T-shirt. One guy even came up to him asking what "Fuk a Dome" meant. It was pretty funny. Then a fun treat at the end of the night was running into Steve and Jeremy too!

So, Kate, it was great to see you and meet Jamie! Good luck next month with the anti-wedding and hopefully it won't be another five years before we see you again!

1 comment:

pH said...

So fun! I hope to run into Chasidy at a street fair soon or at least get a nice cold cocktea before the summer ends.