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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On Strike!

Aye, we've been having a rough week here in the Schirel household. Jody got sick on Sunday and was out of commission until today. Next up, Zoe got the H1N1 vaccine on Monday and was not quite her usual cheery self afterward. And now, Zoe's on a nursing strike. This is the first time that she's gone on a nursing strike and it stinks!

No matter what we do, she screams bloody murder when I try to get her to nurse. Last night before bed, she was so beside herself that she would not even take a bottle. She slept the whole night still, but I was really worried about her getting enough to eat/drink. This morning she still threw a fit. Jody eventually got her to take a bottle, but not without plenty of drama.

Ah! It's been upsetting and frustrating on so many levels. I've been lucky enough to be able to breastfeed Zoe almost 9 months, and it has been so rewarding. But as anyone who has done it will probably agree, it's so much more challenging than you'd ever imagine. I'm hoping this is just a reaction to her vaccine and nothing more serious. I've heard these nursing strikes can last a little while, so here's hoping it's over sooner rather than later.

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