You know you're entirely too pregnant when...
* you actually can't get out of the car at the grocery store because the car next to you is too close. I almost got lodged in there tonight before Jody told me to just get back in the car and re-park. He definitely did not like the looks of what was about to happen...and was probably concerned on how he would pry me out.
* you forget how simple measuring works when cooking. We're having a soup disaster tonight with me putting 2 Tablespoons of black pepper in homemade tortilla soup rather than the appropriate 2 teaspoons. I added double the broth and double the tomatoes and beans, but it's still pretty lethal. Maybe all this spice will help bring on labor...if the heartburn doesn't kill me first.
* you're scared to go to the gym because you don't want to be the girl whose water breaks on the treadmill. Seriously, prior to being pregnant myself, I would have probably freaked out if I was running on a treadmill in a non-pregnant state and a preggo girl's water broke next to me. I'll just stick to walking Charlie around the neighborhood at this point.
* you were jealous of M.I.A.'s ability to bust a move at the Grammy's last night on her actual due date when you, on the other hand, are avoiding just having to walk up steps. Yes, her outfit was pretty disturbing, but I give the girl props for getting up there and rocking out.
* And finally, you know you're too pregnant when you decide not to post any more pictures of yourself on the blog until after the baby.
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