I never eat fast food. The only times I indulge are at the airport (always McDonald's) and on road trips (usually Arby's). Even throughout pregnancy I've steered clear of the drive thru.
But, a couple weekends ago Jody and I were running errands and we were starving. It was freezing and neither of us wanted to get out of the car, so we hit the McDonald's drive thru, despite my objections. I ordered a cheeseburger and, seriously, it was the best thing I've eaten all pregnancy. Really, I should have eaten more of these over the past nine months. Apparently, my mom craved McDonald's cheeseburgers throughout her whole pregnancy with my sister, so maybe it's a genetic thing.
Anyway since that yummy Saturday, I keep thinking I should go get another cheeseburger sometime, but I have yet to make the trip. Hopefully the baby will come soon so I can stop thinking about McDonald's cheeseburgers.
I was OBSESSED with Mcd's cheeseburgers when I was pregnant with Anna. In fact, I think I survived on cburgers alone because it was the only thing that even sounded tasty in the beginning! Sorry to have missed your shower this weekend. Baby S/M will be here soon....so fun!
It's great weather to get out and feast on a cheesburger. No time like the present to feast before the baby comes.
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