This week I finally got around to seeing the Sex and the City movie.
I went Monday with Beth, Karen and DeAnne. Honestly, the movie was just eh for me. But, I still had fun going to see it. I think the fun part of seeing the movie is just remembering watching the show and spending some time with your girlfriends.
I started watching SATC when I graduated college in 2000 and had just moved to the city. I remember going down the street to watch at Jessica, Kristin, Melanie and Holly's place on Roscoe on Sunday nights because Katie, Katharine and I were too cheap and too broke to have HBO. I always liked the show, but I was never totally addicted. Mostly, I just liked the girl bonding that went along with watching it.
The thing is I wasn't really looking forward to the movie. I was totally satisfied with how the series ended. Everyone seemed to be in a good place and that was good enough for me.
Then the movie. It wasn't terrible. I laughed plenty--mostly at Charlotte who had some of the best moments in the movie in my opinion. I teared up a little only once when (kinda spoiler alert) Carrie lays into Big outside the limos. But that's about all the emotion that the movie drummed up for me.
I don't want this to sound too negative, but the thing that really bugged me was that the movie as a whole felt really shallow. True, New York lifestyle and high fashion were always crucial parts of the show; they complemented the story-lines and the characters. But in the movie, it was all just too much and too distracting for me. I mean, I don't think I could have handled another Louis Vuitton reference, another ridiculous shopping spree or another cheesy Pretty Woman-esque fashion montage.
Maybe all this bugged me in the movie more than it did on the TV show because our economy is in such bad shape and so many people are in such dire straits. But, I'm guessing it bothered me because the movie's overall story just didn't grab me, so I paid more attention to the frills. Who knows, maybe I've just outgrown these ladies.
Despite all this, I do think the Sex and the City movie is a must-see among girlfriends. If nothing else, you can laugh at some of the outrageous clothes. Hello, ugly turquoise bird hat thing. And how about those his and hers sequined robes?
My suggestion? Wait for DVD, and have a girls' night in so you can make your cracks out loud without getting shushed in the theater.
I think you have some good points about the movie- but for me- this was a super fun night out away from babies and diapers!
i could have told you that it would not be a good movie. unless they served drinks, which is totally different.
Bird hat while wearing a sequined robe would be very coool.
you liked it Mirel!
Just eh?! I laughed, cried, and clapped when it was all over which makes it a hit for me. I too remember all the good times we had down the street and all that nostalgia made me so happy. We need another show like that. Living Lohan is just not cutting it!
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