After a somewhat rough week, this past weekend was just what we needed to bounce back.
On Saturday we did double duty at Kristin and Tom's Derby Delayed party and Beth and Jeff's engagement party. We missed the annual Derby Delayed party last year, so we were happy that we could make it this year, especially since this year's party was hosted in their beautiful new place. Complete with KFC, cheesy potatoes, derby pie, all the bourbon you could ask for and a fun crowd, it was a great time--even if Big Brown fell apart. Thanks, Kristin and Tom!
Unfortunately, at the party I realized that several people have not been regularly checking the blog. The dead giveaway was when they asked if I saw the Obama fist bump. Um, yeah, I blogged about it. So, I suppose I have to work a little harder at promoting this thing.
Anyway, after the Derby party, we headed over to Beth and Jeff's engagement party. Even though they have been engaged for a while now, I'm always happy to celebrate that these two are getting married. Beth is one of my best friends, and I am just so happy that she found such a great guy like Jeff. I really can't wait for their wedding in November. At the party, we got to hang out with the Naperville crowd, which is always fun, and I caught up with Beth's parents and her sister, Julie, who I haven't seen in forever. I also ran into my former sorority sister Cari, who is dating one of Jeff's friends, and I finally met her adorable little boy.
Sunday, Jody's Uncle Bob was in town from San Francisco for his 40th high school reunion. We had brunch at Jane's in Bucktown with Jody's family and had a great time catching up with Bob. For anyone who's never been to Jane's, it is such a cute and yummy place for dinner and their weekend brunch is really good. I highly recommend it.
All is all, it was a nice weekend and we loved catching up with so many friends and family. Have a great week everyone!
This is the BEST blog on the internet!
Thanks for the shout out to the Derby Delayed party; we're glad you could make it, and now the party is FAMOUS!!!
Who is anonymous? Jody??
What other events do you have coming up that you could possibly blog about??????? :)
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