I had trouble with the whole 30th birthday over a month ago. I didn't like leaving my 20s behind. I mean, it was a really good decade for me. I didn't like saying that I was now in my 30s. I didn't like that on the treadmill I had to refer to the heart rate range for ages 30-35 instead of the range for ages 25-29. So what did I do to make myself feel young again?
Well, I whipped out my number 2 pencils, flashcards and mad Scan Tron-bubble-filling skills and decided to take the GRE. Nothing makes you revert back to the uneasiness of your youth quite like a standardized test. Too bad the test is now computerized, so my Scan Tron skills (not to mention those valuable number 2 pencils) are moot.
For the past month or so, I've been swimming in flashcards and trying to remember high school math (which I was never good at in the first place), and I am finally taking the test tomorrow morning. I'm excited to get it over with and just really hoping that all my studying will pay off.
Although I don't really feel younger because of this test, it has helped me regain that feeling that I am still young enough to pave a new way career-wise. So it has been worth the effort--and cheaper than wrinkle creams.
Hey guys!
Laura forwarded me your blog site and you have officially been added to my daily blog check! Fist bumps for that!! We haven't seen you in forever, hope all is well!
hope things went well.
How did you do? Did you bring pack a snack for your long test?
Special K bars rock!!!!!!!
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