I love fist bumps. They are such a natural evolution from the high-five, and I was always a big fan of those. Five, up-high, to-the-side, and, my all time favorite, down-low-too-slow.
But fivers are so '90s. Today it's all about the fist bump. And I'd like to think that Jody and I have done our part to bring the fist bump to the masses with our original fist bump (bump up, bump down, front bump, jazz hands). We have since tweaked the bump to fit the occassion.
* Tax refund check: front bump, explosion (a.ka. Stierwalt-style and/or The Office-style)
* Cute haircut: bump followed by air scissors
* Just for fun: full body bump. Double fives in the air, belly bump, twirl, butt bump, twirl, fist bump, boogie. (This one is pretty advanced, but we're happy to demonstrate.)
I actually found a list of fist bump rules from the folks at tastybooze.com that may help in your own quest to bring on the bump. I don't agree with all the rules, especially the one about not fist bumping children. They love it. Even though my niece, Edin, didn't quite get the bump, but she had a great time slapping my fist when I tried to teach her.
1. If sports are involved, fist bumping is always acceptable.
2. If you are wearing a suit, you may only fist bump if you are drunk. Or if you have just wrapped part of your suit around your forehead.
3. You may not fist bump under any circumstances, in a hospital. Unless Rule #1 (or Rule #2) applies.
4. Do not fist bump someone else’s misfortune, even if it helps you. Just look down, furrow your brow, and nod sternly.
5. No fist bumping between the hours of 7am and 10am. And if you’re watching sports at this time, it’s probably soccer or NASCAR, and then you should really not be fist bumping. High fives will suffice for both.
6. Do not fist bump in a meeting. Even if you are drunk.
7. Do not fist bump your children. Unless you’re drunk, then it’s OK.
8. Girls can fist bump anytime they want. And yes, guys think it’s cute.
9. Do not refuse a fist bump. If you, as a bumpee, believe the bumper is violating a rule, speak to him afterwards. Refusing his bump is not going to help anything.
10. Do not fist bump yourself.
Hilarious. Fist bumps are sweeping the nation.
I can definitely use these tips at my next cocktail party. Fist bumps for life!!!
the explosion fist bump is so versatile. it fits almost any occasion.
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