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Monday, June 15, 2009

Here to Stay?

Zoe's melon is expanding quickly. In just 2 weeks she's outgrown this hat!

So do we think summer is actually here to stay? Mother Nature has been pretty nasty (and soggy) so far, so I'm hoping she gives us a break and allows this weather to stick around.

We had a fun weekend. Went to Beth and Jeff's Saturday for their Ribfest party. We had a good time just hanging out and enjoying the late-in-the-day weather and never actually made it to Ribfest.

Today we spent the day out and about. Jody got to hit the beach for volleyball finally. He's been itching to get down there, and finally he did today. Sure he was mocked for being so pasty white, but he came home totally happy, which is always a good thing. We also tried a new restaurant in our neighborhood called Market. It is more of a bar setting, but still has that Randolph Street trendy factor. The food was really good. Mostly just American food with a twist. The restaurant has a large roof deck (that wasn't opened until 3 pm today), and two other outside eating areas. So we could bring Zoe there and not worry too much about her shrieking and scaring off other diners. Yup, she's starting letting out an extremely high-pitched shriek recently. Sometimes it's a happy shriek and sometimes it's the warning sound before a meltdown. You just never know what you're gonna get with her.


Jody said...

Her hat is totally cute

Geoff Brown said...

Biggest melon award winner !