So for now, here's a short post with a picture of my sweet little guy. Zach is 8 months and full of love and smiles. He is such a laid back, smiley guy. Still not sleeping so well, but better. He's only slept through the night one time and his schedule is pretty unpredictable. But, more on that in another post. Here's a rundown of Zach at 8 months:
-Weight: Won't know an "official" weight until his 9 month appointment, but when I weighed him on our scale he was 21 lbs!
-Height: Again, no official height. But, probably still kinda shrimpy...I mean he is my and Jody's kid after all.
-Teeth: 6 teeth! Zoe got her first tooth around 8 months, Zach's gonna have a full mouth by 1 at this rate.
-Eating: I'm still nursing Zach and he still doesn't take a bottle...not for lack of trying. All he does is chew on the bottle. Somehow, some way, we've gotta get this kid to take a bottle or use a sippy cup or something. He's also doing pretty good on solids. He loves his baby food...mostly fruits. He rejects most of the vegetables we've offered. I'm thinking we've got another sweet-toothed baby here! We started giving him Cheerios in the past couple week and he's doing good with them too.
-Sleeping: Don't ask. He's still waking up one or two times a night. He goes back down pretty easily after nursing. He naps for 1-2 hrs in the mornings, but his afternoon nap is still just about 30 minutes. We went to see Dr. Weissbluth when he was 5 months and I will post about that later on. Needless to say, we are still tired. Not as much as before, but still really freakin' tired.
-Wearing: Definitely not socks. There are baby boy socks in every nook and cranny of our house. Zach loses socks like nobody's business.
-Likes: Pretty much everything...He is such an easy-going, life-loving boy! But, here's some top faves: Chewing on everything, trying to move, eating, babbling, flailing his arms and legs like crazy on the changing table, laughing, smiling, watching Zoe do just about anything (which of course leads to more laughing and more smiling), exersaucer, pulling on Charlie's fur, books (to chew on and to listen to), other babies
-Dislikes: Sleeping apparently, vegetables, getting buckled into his car seat. He's also started getting some separation anxiety. He's okay when I leave the house, but as soon as I come home he freaks out until I pick him up. A mama's boy in the making.
Moving & Grooving: Zach has been up on his knees rocking quite a bit for the past month and finally last weekend he figured out this whole crawling thing. He's still moving slowly and figuring it out. But he's definitely crawling. Two weeks ago, he also pulled himself in his crib. (We dropped the crib to the lowest level right away.)
-Looking forward: It's definitely time to start baby-proofing the house again. Now that we have stairs, we need to get some gates up pronto. And Zach is quiet about getting into things, so we need to keep our eyes on him!
-The rest of us: We've settled in being a family of 4 pretty well. We're still tired as hell. I truly cannot believe how long we've gone with such little sleep. We'll probably never catch up. But, watching our kids laugh, play and grow together is worth it!
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