When I hit 37 weeks last Friday, I was relieved because it meant the baby is now full term. Hooray, one less thing to worry about! But, just as one stress disappeared, another arose. I just found out the baby is in the oblique position, meaning its head is down-ish, but it is laying diagonally. Since you can't really deliver a sideways baby, my doctor wants to try ECV (Version) to manually flip the baby into the right position. The procedure sounds painful--the doctor basically pushes around on your belly to move the baby. And there are risks that it could distress the baby and/or send me into labor. Also, if it works, there's no guarantee our little one will stay put. As you can tell, I'm not loving the ECV option. But, at the same time, I'd like to avoid having a C-section, if possible. So I'm going to give it a shot.
First, though, I wanted to try out a few other options. I went to see my fabulous acupuncturist, Kim. She did some needlework and a Chinese medicine thing called moxibustion. Basically, she lit a stinky herb stick and held it by my pinky toes for about 20 minutes. Sounds pretty crazy, right. But, supposedly people have some success with it. And, hey, I'm up for anything to turn this kiddo the right way. Kim sent me home with a goody-bag of stinky sticks to do at home for four or five days. I've recruited Jody as my medicine man (a.k.a. stinky stick holder) and once again we're happy to have a balcony so our place doesn't reek of Chinese herbs.
Medicine Man Jody working some moxibustion magic
I go in for the ECV on Friday. I'm hoping the baby has righted itself by the time they do the ultrasound before the procedure. If not, fingers crossed for the Version to work and for the baby to love sitting on its head so much that he/she stays that way until delivery day.
Yet again, I've realized how right people are when they say every pregnancy is different. I didn't have any complications with Zoe, and yet I've hit plenty this time around. My mom said that #2 is just reminding me that I need to pay as much attention to him/her as I do to Zoe. Sounds like a good theory to me. I'm just hoping this baby is a little easier out of the belly. We'll find out soon enough...
1 comment:
Good Luck! I can't believe it's almost time. The ECV thing doesn't sound fun at all. Hopefully your Chinese Medicine will work! We'll be thinking of you guys!
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