Well, I'm one month late on this one...but happy birthday to our sweet 2-year-old! Zoe pretty much celebrated her birthday for the two weeks surrounding her birthday in February. And just when I thought she had birthday out of her system, a couple days ago she made me put a candle in her blueberry muffin, turn off the lights and sing to her. What can I say? Our girl loves her some birthday.
The three of us celebrated her actual birthday with dinner out at Stanley's down the street. For some reason, she loves it there and is always on awesome restaurant behavior. We had cupcakes back at home and Z thoroughly enjoyed both the chocolate and vanilla. We had to sing to her and let her blow out the candles three times (the Happy Birthday song has long been a favorite for her). We had a little birthday party (decorated with a whole lot of Elmo) the following weekend and enjoyed some quality time with good friends and family. Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate and made the day extra special.
I know everyone says it, but I can't believe how fast time goes. So far, I love Zoe at 2. Yes, she has her tantrums and no is definitely one of the most-used words these days. But, it is also so awesome to see her personality shining through and watching her learn so much every day. She is talking up a storm and has even started to tell us about her day, which is just the cutest thing. She's making little buddies at the park, in classes and even at the gym kid's club. She's actually pretty great with other kids--a little shy at first, but really sweet and is pretty good with the whole sharing thing and waiting her turn. It sounds kind of weird to say, but I can't think of another way to put it...she's just a real kid these days. And we just love every moment of it.
At her 2 year doctor's appointment all looked good. She's 24 lbs, 5 oz and 33.5 inches--25% percentile all around. Next on the horizon, potty training and transitioning to a big-girl bed. Who knows when we'll tackle either of these things. But, it's coming up soon. Any insight/advice from you experienced parents on how to handle a ton of change--potty, bed, big-sister, moving--is more than welcome!
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