I can't believe our little girl is already a year and a half. Every day Zoe is becoming less and less of a baby and more and more of a toddler.
At her 18 month appointment, she was 23 lbs and 31 inches. So she's still in the 25th percentile for weight and 25-50% for height. Basically, pretty much how she's been for a while now.
Zoe is still a total joy. These days she's also become quite the drama queen, as well. She may be little, but this chica has one big personality. A lot of people have told me that girls start getting into their terrible 2s a little earlier than 2, and I can see that already starting with our sweet little Z. She is just so willful sometimes. There is so much she wants to do--and so much that she can do physically--but then we're always stopping her. I mean, what mean parents we are to not let her ride in her wagon standing up, right?
Aside from the drama, Zoe continues to fill us with so much love. She is so much fun to be around. She is super sweet and totally gleeful. There really isn't anyone else in the world I would rather be with. Our favorite game to play with her is Huggy Ball before her nightly bath. As we fill her bath, Jody and I sit on opposite ends of the room or hallway and she runs back and forth between us and diving into us to give us huge hugs. Honestly, it is the best thing in the world.
As I mentioned in the last post, she's a total chatterbox these days and registering everything we say. It's pretty awesome to talk to her and know that she's understanding a lot of what we're saying. She's still a little shy in new settings, but she loves going new places and meeting new people, especially other kids. Once she's comfortable and gets a feel for her surroundings she's good to go.
I could go on and on about every little thing that amazes us every day, but this post is already long enough. I just really can't get over how much Zoe changes and grows every day. And I can't wait to see what's next.
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