This past weekend my family came in for a visit. Aside from stopping through Chicago last winter for a quick lunch on his way to St. Louis, Josh hadn't been to Chicago since our wedding almost six years ago, and he hadn't met Zoe, yet. So it was a huge treat having him come in all the way from Montana. Now, on to convincing him to move here...Zoe needs more bonding time with cool Uncle Josh.
Lisa, Avi, Edin and Adam all flew in from D.C., and it was Avi and kids' first time meeting little Z too. I can't believe how big Lisa's kids are. Edin is a total little person these days. She's totally in the "why?" stage, where she's asking a million questions and figuring it all out. The little chica is so freakin' smart too. Adam continues to be a total sweetheart and such a laid back little guy. He's starting to talk a little bit and is so full of energy. Watching all three kiddies was just the cutest. They are going to have so much fun together as they get bigger and bigger. Zoe was so interested in everything the "big" kids were doing, and she was definitely envious of their mobility. She's been dying to get moving lately and seeing Edin and Adam running all over just gave her more incentive to keep practicing that whole crawling thing.

My parents also came in from Ann Arbor, and as usual they were full of energy to spoil and entertain their grandbabies to the fullest.

With everyone back to their respective homes around the country, our house feels so quiet and I am missing everyone terribly. I wish we all lived near each other, but for now these long, action-packed weekends will do. So much fun. Love to you all!

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