This marked Zoe's first plane ride and it went pretty well. Luckily my mom came to Chicago the day before and flew back with us, so I wasn't totally alone with Z. Zoe did great on the plane. It was iffy at first. When we boarded she was crying quite a bit and all the people boarding the plane looked none too happy about the screaming baby. Once I started feeding her she calmed right down and then slept for the rest of the flight. I think an hour-long trip was the perfect first flight for our girl.
The rest of the week in Ann Arbor was a lot of fun and very relaxing. It was nice having my parents around to help out with Zoe and they got a chance to get to know her a little better. They also gave me some time to get away to go to the gym and write a couple of articles that I had due.
While Zoe was happy in Michigan, she was much more herself once Jody and Charlie drove in on Friday. She missed her dad!
My parents took care of Zoe for a few hours while Jody and I went to see "The Hangover." It was pretty good. I didn't like it as much as "Old School," "Knocked Up" and those types of movies. But I have liked Bradley Cooper since his Alias days and I love Ed Helms on The Office and from his days on The Daily Show, so that was fun.
I also met Kristy, my sorority "twin" (we had the same big sis' in the house) for lunch. I hadn't seen her since her wedding so it was great to catch up. We did a lot of baby talking since she is due with twin girls in October!
The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing. A bbq for the 4th and plenty of Zoe-Grandparent bonding. Such a nice trip!

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