Much like all the media outlets made such a big deal over Obama's first 100 days in office, Jody and I decided to evaluate our first 100 days in Zoe-land. And we're giving ourselves pretty good marks. It's definitely tougher than we imagined, but it's also more wonderful than we imagined. It's crazy how much she's changed in just three months and I know by next month she'll probably be a whole new baby yet again and on and on it will go.
So, here are some random thoughts so far:
1. Nothing really grosses me out anymore. I'm so used to being pooped on, peed on and puked on these days, that none of it shocks me anymore.
2. Sleep is good. If you figure out a good way for your baby to sleep, then stick with it. All the baby books say put your baby to sleep "sleepy but awake." Yes, very good in theory. But that doesn't work with Zoe. Once we rock her to sleep, she's pretty much out for 8 hours and she's been consistently sleeping through the nights since she was about 6 weeks, so I'm not messing with our system.
3. Everyone has an opinion. I'm trying as hard as I can to just roll with this one, but it can be tough. True, new parents need advice and guidance, but I don't have any problem asking for advice/help/etc. when needed. Really, I don't. Just ask my sister who gets calls from me at all times of day. It's the unsolicted advice/commentary that kills me. I know it's part of the whole process, but definitely not my favorite part.
4. I've never been so proud of weight gain. I work hard to chunk up Zoe to a perfect plumpness and when we go to the doctor I get so excited to see how much she grows. Our chica has no neck, multiple chins, rolls all over the place and the chubbiest cheeks I've ever seen--and I couldn't be happier.
5. Never say never. Before having a baby, we were reading the baby books and learning all the do's and don'ts. But as soon as she arrived, all that went out the window. Basically, I'd never want to limit the ways in which we keep Zoe happy and Jody and I sane.
6. Little things matter. Every day Zoe does something that surprises me and melts my heart. When she started cooing and smiling I about died. I just can't wait to see what's next...
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