How could such a sweet dog (top) turn into such a barking fool around wheels? Here he is with his new friend Ziggy and looking kinda Cujo (bottom). He must be imagining rollerblades.
What is happening with our dog? He has always been such a sweet, laid-back pooch, but these days he's a barking fool. Especially when wheels are involved.
He's always hated grocery carts. You know the ones that people take to the store so they can walk home with their carts. Well, Charlie has always been wary of people with those. On our walks he never trusts people with carts and usually lets them know it with a a few harmless barks. Yes, he's even barked at little old ladies.
But now his hatred of all things on wheels has escalated in a major way.
He started out small, simply getting skittish around strollers. He doesn't always bark at strollers, but he definitely doesn't like them. When someone is strollering behind us, he nervously keeps looking over his shoulder. Last week, when my niece pushed her doll's stroller toward him, he kinda lost it...and then made Edin cry in the process. Not good.
Now, Charlie is in a full-fledge war against all things on wheels. He scared the crap out of a teenager on rollerblades the other day with a huge barking fit. The poor kid was already kinda wobbly on his blades and with Charlie going crazy, I thought for sure he was going to take a tumble. Luckily, he didn't. Instead, the kid ended up rollerblading in the street to steer clear of crazy Charlie.
He also gave one kid on a scooter (not the Jody kind of scooter, the skateboard-type scooter) a nasty growl. And then when an adult was skateboarding behind us recently, Charlie wouldn't budge. He laid down on the sidewalk to wait for the guy to approach us and when the guy got closer to us, Charlie bounced up and started barking and jumping and getting all kinds of crazy. The skateboarder was cracking up. I, on the other hand, was totally embarassed. At least that time he wasn't terrorizing some innocent teenager.
Seriously, I have no idea why he's freaking out about roller-things, but it's not good. Anyone know how to get in touch with the Dog Whisperer? If he can get a dog to stop eating rocks, surely he cure Charlie of his wheel hatred. In the meantime, if you're coming to the West Loop, you may want to leave your rollerblades at home.
Dial up the Dog Whisperer for sure !! That would be awesome to have him come to Chicago for a special appearance and Jody can take him to Bamba's.
Are you sure we're talking about "our Charlie"? Quiet, happy go lucky, play with me, Charlie??? Must be something in the Chicago water...
Dude, I tried the Dog Whisperer via his website and it said he's only taking dogs in the Los Angeles area. Now I get his enewsletter like every other day. Don't do it.
haha that 2nd pic of Charlie is hilarious! I know what you mean- Ziggy barks at things too. There aren't grocery carts around us but yesterday he was barking at a neighbor in the elevator that had golf clubs. and he went through his phase where he would bark at little kids and make them cry.
ps-i posted a pic of charlie on facebook. I was going to tag you on it but I didn't know if that would be insulting to tag you as a dog haha
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