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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Go Cubs!

This past weekend Zoe took her first trip to Wrigley Field to watch the Cubs vs. the Pirates. And she did great! We went with Heather, Jason and Ean and Jerry. It was Ean's first Cubs game too and he was pretty amazing as well. Just chilled out in Jason's Baby Bjorn almost the whole time. He even slept for a little while. Jody and I were totally impressed.

It was a sunny day. A bit chilly up in the stands, but with a little hot chocolate and hoodies, we were pretty good. The cousins seemed to enjoy the game. Zoe kept herself quite entertained--making friends with a little girl in front of us, trying to climb the chain link fence behind us, watching all the birds flying around eating all the concession crumbs and just squealing and pointing at all the action. I originally thought Zoe would last maybe 4 innings, but we ended up staying until the 8th. Of course, we had to take her on a couple walks around the stadium and Jody took her to the deck for a while to warm up. But all in all, it was a hit.

The most fun for me was getting her dressed up in her cute Cubs gear. Between her and Ean, we had to two cutest, most stylin' little ones in the stadium!

Oh yeah, and the Cubs finally won. So, I'm pretty sure Zoe and Ean are lucky charms.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Walk/Run

Happy (belated) Mother's Day!! I hope all of you moms out there had a wonderful day with your families!

We had a great day yesterday, starting with the Network of Strength Walk to Empower walk/run. Jody and I did the 5K run, and Lisa and Mike took Zoe in the stroller on the walk. It was a cool, but beautiful morning--perfect running weather, for sure. Even though Jody hasn't really run much in the past few years, he was awesome. I run 3-4 times a week, and I'm pretty sure I was holding him back! But, since it was Mother's Day and all, Jody stuck with me and we had a fun run together. He did sprint the last .2 mile and beat me by about 30 seconds! We did a 9:50 mile, which I was still happy with it. I think our final time was 30:32.

Zoe had a great time on her walk with Lisa and Mike. Lots of people to wave to and dogs to say "Dog!" to. I was so impressed that she sat in her stroller the whole time without getting cranky, despite the early wake-up time. She even stayed in good spirits through our whole walk back to our place from Grant Park. It was such a great crowd, so she loved just taking it all in.

It was such a fun way to start off Mother's Day and such a good cause. Pretty much everyone I know has been affected in some way by breast cancer, whether personally or through friends and family. Seeing such a energized crowd--and being part of it all--was a really powerful experience. Both Jody's grandma (Lisa's mom) and Mike's mom had breast cancer, so doing this race was especially personal for our little group.