I spend so much time planning out healthy and balanced meals for Zoe, and she's a pretty good eater (knock on wood). Lately, though, she's discovered after-work snacking with Jody. He's introduced her to all sorts of snackycakes and whenever she sees him munching away, she's right next to him with her arm stretched out saying "more."
The other day Jody texted me that he was bringing home a big surprise for Zoe after work. A few minutes later, in walked Jody with two huge buckets of cheeseballs. Jody's theory was that once he polished off the cheeseballs, Zoe could play with the empty buckets and attached shovels at the sandbox in the park.
Little did he know the cheeseballs themselves would be Zoe's true big treat. As soon as she saw Jody eating the cheeseballs she wanted some too. That's when Zoe officially became a snack-monster, just like Dad. Oh my goodness, she *loved* those cheeseballs! Couldn't get them away from her. With orange dust all over her fingers and mouth, the girl was quite a sight--and quite happy.