2. Having a dog before a baby is great practice, but way easier. Charlie sleeps a solid 18+ hours a day without ever putting up a fuss. Good boy.
3. Even though you may lose all the baby weight, everything is still just a bit off.
4. Planning what and when to feed Zoe takes up a good chunk of my time and brain space.
5. There's a wipe for everything. Baby wipes, hand wipes, Clorox wipes, pacifier wipes, toy wipes. So. Many. Wipes.
6. I never thought 8 am would be considered sleeping in, but it is now.
7. I envy Zoe's bright, colorful wardrobe. When did I stop being able to pull off hot pink pants?
8. Making new mom friends can be kind of awkward and intimidating, but so worth it.
9. Just when you think your baby can't get any cuter, sweeter, smarter or funnier, she does.
10. There really is such a thing as love at first sight.