My headaches have just not let up. I'm getting little relief with Tylenol and nothing else seems to work. My doctor actually recommended having some caffeine when I feel headaches starting, even though I've been off caffeine for a few years now. So, I gave coffee a shot and it didn't do anything but make me jittery (and much more productive!). Oh, how I miss Advil! So, I've decided to try something new: acupuncture.
I am not a huge fan of needles, but I am pretty open to alternative medicine (minus the herbs). My appointment today went okay. Before the treatment, I talked to the acupuncturist Kim about the process, and she was pretty cool and made me feel really comfortable.
The treatment room was set up just like a spa massage room--dim lights, comfy table, yummy smells, relaxing music and all that good stuff. She put the needles in my head, neck, arms, legs and feet...and let me tell you, it was not totally painless. Jody always says I have a low pain tolerance, but still. Each needle felt like a little prick, but once they were in they just felt kind of tingly. But I could really feel the needles in my feet.
After I was full of needles, Kim left me there to just soak it in. Honestly, it was kind of hard to relax with all those needles sticking me. I was afraid to move around and I felt kind of tense just laying so still. Eventually I chilled out, though. Kim came in halfway through and twirled a couple of the needles (which she explained "stimulated" them). The whole twirling deal kind of hurt, especially in my feet. The second half of the treatment I was more antsy and I kept looking up to check out the needles. Then I just kept having visions of that
pin face guy from Hellraiser. So yeah, the second half was not quite as relaxing.
I was happy when Kim came back in and took the needles out of my feet. She explained that the points my feet were the main areas that affected migraines, so it made sense that they would hurt most. She then put these teeny needles attached to adhesive into the four points on my feet and told me to keep them in for four days unless they really started bothering me. I had no idea I'd go home with needles still in me, but if they work, I'm game.
Afterward I felt relaxed...but, unfortunately, I still had a headache. Kim said I might not feel anything after the first treatment, and honestly I really didn't. But we'll see. I'll keep an open mind and keep my fingers crossed.
Anyone else ever have acupuncture with needles to-go like the ones in my feet right now?